Workshops: Reduce stress and rebalance with 5-Element Qigong, April 2023

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to rebalance yourself when you felt ‘out of kilter’. Absolutely and I’ll show you the pathway! Through the ancient, restorative art of 5-Element Qigong you can learn how to harmonise and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.

Workshop 1, Part 1: Saturday 15 April 2023, 10am – 1pm in Manurewa

Workshop 2, Part 2: Saturday 29 April 2023, 10am – 1pm, in Manurewa

According ancient Chinese philosophy, everything in the cosmos and the world (including humans) is composed of five elements – Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. When these five are in balance, all is well. When they are not, you feel ‘out of sorts’, tired and often stressed.

As a qualified qigong instructor, I offer two very special and in-depth workshops to learn 5-Element Qigong, which synchronises your movements and breathing with the five essential elements of the universe.

In the 1st workshop (Part 1) on Saturday 15 April 2023, you’ll learn:

  • Gentle, restorative Yin movements in 5-Element Qigong for the spleen (earth), lung (metal), kidney (water), liver (wood), and heart (fire).
  • How to rebalance yourself when you feel ‘out of kilter’ with the curative power of 5-Element Qigong.
  • About the fascinating five elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire, how they are inter-connected, including to the seasons, emotions, colours, and the sensory and body organs.
  • The ancient history of how these elements combine Yin with Yang to improve strength and balance.
  • How to self-care and nurture yourself with healing qigong to release tension and stiffness.

To RSVP, or if you have questions, please text Jocelyn on 027 493 9851 or used the contact form on the website:

In the 2nd workshop (Part 2) on Saturday 29 April 2023, you’ll learn:

  • Gentle, yet powerful Yang movements in 5-Element Qigong for the stomach (earth), large intestine (metal), bladder (water), gallbladder (wood), small intestine (fire).
  • How to combine Yin with the Yang movements in 5-Element Qigong to help fully rebalance your overall health and wellbeing, reduce stress, and let go of tension. 
  • More about the fascinating five elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire
  • Restorative journaling to calm and settle your mind so you can create your own tranquil and centred inner-universe to avoid the build-up of unnecessary stress and tension.
  • A free journal will be provided.

Cost: $75 per person, per workshop.  $120 per person for both workshops.  (Payable by online banking). The account number will be provided once you RSVP. Please refer to the cancellation policy below.

To RSVP, or if you have questions, please text Jocelyn on 027 493 9851 or used the contact form on the website:


  • Workshop 1: Saturday 15 April 2023, 10am to 1pm (please arrive no later than 9.55am)
  • Workshop 2: Saturday 29 April 2023, 10am to 1pm (please arrive no later than 9.55am)
  • Attend just one or attend both.

Where: Reremoana School hall, 15 Scotsmoor Drive, Wattle Downs, Manurewa, Auckland 2103 Refer to map:

Parking: Plenty of free parking on the half-circle shaped driveway in front of the school.

Ideal for beginners.

Open to anyone aged 18+, who is seeking to rebalance and rejuvenate their body, soul and strength.

What to wear:  Comfortable, loose clothing that is easy to move in, and flat-soled shoes. Please also bring a jersey or hoodie to keep warm when we are sitting still for some of the time.

Please bring: Note pad and paper, water bottle and a snack.  A free journal will be provided for Workshop 2.

Places are limited to just 12 people.

 Who is the instructor?

Jocelyn Watkin has helped people of all ages and abilities to reduce stress and improve their overall health, fitness, balance and well-being with qigong and tai chi since 2003.

She is the founder and director of Kia Ora Tai Chi with extensive experience in teaching qigong and tai chi face-to-face or online for regular weekly classes, workshops and retreats, at schools, a medical centre and a retirement village.

She is registered as a group exercise contractor (with own choreography) with the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs), which is the recognised quality mark throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. 

She is approved as a strength and balance group exercise provider with the Accident Compensation Commission and has numerous tai chi and qigong instructor qualifications. She also has a New Zealand Diploma of Teaching.

Jocelyn also teaches restorative and mindful journaling to help people manage and relieve stress. When combined with calming, meditative breathing (qigong and reiki) and the mind/body connection of tai chi, journaling becomes even more restorative. The tai chi and qigong releases tension in both mind and body enabling people to focus more easily and more clearly on the changes they can make to reduce and better manage stress in their lives.

Testimonial: “I really enjoyed your style, Jocelyn. Friendly, caring, informative and non-judgemental. You made me feel relaxed and welcome. Thank you.” (Participant in the Stardome mini-retreat, March 2022)

What is qigong?

For thousands of years the Chinese have had a secret. A secret that helps to increase longevity, a secret that assists the body to heal from injury, illness and trauma.

That secret is qigong, a deep meditative breathing exercise that connects the mind to the body.

One of the main reasons people want to learn qigong is that it helps with overall well-being and healing.

 Qigong is about releasing stress, not suppressing it. Through special qigong breathing you can learn how to let go of stress.

What is restorative journaling?

Writing or drawing in a journal (also known as journaling) can help you to process and understand what is happening in your life, to accept what you can and can’t control, and to focus what you want for your future.

You don’t need to write in sentences if you don’t want to. You can also draw, mind map or doodle, if you wish.

Journaling can reduce frustration and anxiety, free yourself from uncertainty and indecision and take back the control of your thoughts and your life.

It can help you to overcome the overwhelm and create a plan for lasting change and freedom.

Jocelyn learned about the power of journaling when recovering from post-traumatic stress nearly 25 years ago. It enabled her to break the power stress had on her and also freed her thoughts to plan for a better and different life.

Testimonial: “Jocelyn was very relatable because quite often what was being taught had been used by her in real life.” (Participant in the Stardome mini-retreat, March 2022)

Cancellation policy

The workshop(s) must be paid for in full to reserve your place.

All payments are non-refundable but, if you can’t attend, you can nominate a friend, colleague or family member to take your place.

In the unlikely event that Kia Ora Tai Chi cancels the workshop, you will be refunded in full.

COVID-19 policy

Please do not attend this workshop if you are sick or have cold or ‘flu-like symptoms. In this instance and if you can’t find someone else to take your place, you will be provided with a credit towards another Kia Ora Tai Chi workshop, retreat or class.

All participants will need to respect the need for social distancing at all times during the workshop. The venue is big and there’ll be plenty of room for everyone to spread out. There will not be any paired exercises or touching by others.

The venue will be well-ventilated and hand sanitiser will be provided.

We will abide by the NZ Government’s health advice and regulations as they apply at the time of the workshop.

Jocelyn (the instructor) has been fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

To RSVP, or if you have questions, please text Jocelyn on 027 493 9851 or used the contact form on the website:

Free SpinPoi in Cornwall Park, Saturday 11 March, 2023

This is an exciting and FREE opportunity on Saturday 11 March, 2023, with Kia Ora Tai Chi & SpinPoi, Cornwall Park and the Re-Creators team:

  • 10 – 11.30am: Create your very own poi. This is truly a zero-waste class!
  • 12 noon – 12.30pm: Learn how to swing and spin your poi and enjoy the feeling of body connectivity and flow with SpinPoi 
  • You are welcome to attend both of the above sessions or just one if you wish.

Saturday 11th March
10 am-11.30 am: Create your own poi with the Re-Creators team

  • Suited for ages 8+, parent participation is encouraged.
  • All materials and equipment will be provided. Things might get a little messy, so wear old clothes!
  • Registration is not required – poi making workshop is available while material stocks last.

Location: Cornwall Park, outdoors, next to Acacia Cottage (opposite the Huia Lodge Discovery Hub and the Cornwall Park Bistro (the original tea rooms)). Vehicle access from Green Lane West park gates. Acacia Cottage is at Location 8 on this map. 

Parking: There is limited parking near Acacia Cottage. More parking is available at Location 6 or near the cafe at Location 4 on this map. If possible, please plan to arrive in Cornwall Park well before the start time of the workshop. Parking spaces can fill quickly as many visit the park to enjoy its beauty in the sunshine.

At the workshop: You’ll be using reclaimed t-shirts and wool stuffing off-cuts to make your poi. T-shirts are upcycled and reused in every step of the process in this workshop, from making the poi’s braid and pompom, to wrapping the poi ball. Every scrap of waste made during the poi-making process is incorporated back into the poi. This is truly a zero-waste class!

This drop-in workshop will be held outdoors next to Acacia Cottage in Cornwall Park.

I’ll be there to help the Re-Creators team and to assist and encourage you. When you finish making your poi, I’ll show you some swinging and spinning moves so you can twirl your poi with ease.

At 12 noon to 12.30pm, Saturday 11th March
Free SpinPoi group session with a qualified SpinPoi instructor. That’s me (Jocelyn of Kia Ora Tai Chi)

  • Learn how to swing and spin your poi.
  • Enjoy the feeling of flow and body connectivity found in SpinPoi.
  • Bring your own poi. (A limited number will be available for those who don’t have their own.)
  • All ages and skill levels are welcome, although it is more suited for ages 5+. Parent participation is encouraged for all children.
  • Bring your water bottle, and a sun hat/sunblock and wear comfy clothing and footwear.

Location: Cornwall Park, on the grass in the Native Arboretum (below Acacia Cottage). Vehicle access from Green Lane West park gates. The Native Arboretum is at Location 7 on this map.

Parking: There is limited parking near Acacia Cottage. The nearest parking to the Native Arboretum is at Location 6 or near the cafe at Location 4 on this map. If possible, please plan to arrive in Cornwall Park well before the start time for SpinPoi. Parking spaces can fill quickly as many visit the park to enjoy its beauty in the sunshine.

All welcome for this free, family-friendly and super fun group class to learn SpinPoi! This is an exercise inspired by Māori tradition, which was adapted in the 21st Century to become a scientifically-proven way to help your brain and body feel amazing!

This SpinPoi session is open and free to anyone to have a go.

You don’t need to have attended the earlier poi making workshop to join in with the group SpinPoi session.

Find out more: